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The official I hate PCs discussion
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be reasonable now.
Now this is something u cannot do with a PC laptop
Lilt utilizes the ambient light and sudden motion sensors found on recent Apple Macintosh portable computers to trigger actions such as launching applications, files, or scripts. By launching a script Lilt can do some amazing things. Wave your hand over the light sensors (located under the speaker grills) and play your next iTunes track. Tilt the computer back and hear the time spoken to you. The possibilities are endless.
Hmm i have knowledge about macs. it will be very nice if I go to PC side for a while, and bash some of the nuisances of macs
@c-unit: fyi, the vast majority of mp3 players are plug and play, so they don't require the installation of any software. Indeed, in many ways they're actually easier to use than an iPod as you don't need any extra software running, just 'drag-and-drop', as they say, the songs you want onto the player.
@schizobuddy: that may be nice for some people, but what if, say, a cloud blocks the sun temporarily, or you accidently tilt it on your lap. I for one would find it exceedingly annoying for my computer to react based on actions I make outside of it.
Once a company gets a major market share. it becomes next to impossible to overthrown it. no matter how good ur product is. that is true for windows and ipods. just because osx isn't able to topple windows doesn't make it bad product.
If it means anything then Apple laptops market share is increasing faster than PC laptops. Apple laptops have 12% market share now and rising faster than pcs. give it a couple more years and you will see Apple poised as viable Windows alternative by the masses. Best buy never used to carry macs now 47 stores of best buy will carry macs. same with circuit city and other big stores. Things are changing quite dramatically for apple. that should tell u something.
just keep in mind. toppling a giant is extremely hard to do, and it in no makes the the smaller product bad.
same is true of xbox, which has not turned a dime in profits. competing with Playstation is no joke. yes xbox has gained market share. but it hasn't turned a profit ($3.5B loss since 2003). It has been 5 years since xbox came out. does that make xbox a crappy product. not by a long shot.
Yeah I got it, keep your pants on, take a chill-pill.
Quote: dan39 Sorry, everyone. I didn't realize that Microsoft's stellar software coding, QA testing, and UI has nothing to do with the PC experience. My mistake. PCs are totally awesome.
I agree dan, you're the man. (tongue in cheek, yeah I get it stripes)
Also awesome is the stellar project by Apple to convert millions of lines of code in the smooth transition from PowerPC to Universal Binary. That does not surprise me, they did it before with the move from 6800 and of course, the move from OS 9 to OS X. None of these are trivial, all were done with as little pain as possible to the consumer. Sort of like 5 years of Longhorn/Vista and still waiting!
Hey is there a prize for the millionth PC to be infected with a Vista virus?
I'll resist the old joke about Windows itself being a virus, it sure spreads like one, Vista will be a super virus, apparently there will be thousands of lemmings lined up at the release.
And I'm still working on my reply to SirNot, it's a bit hard to read without line numbers and braces.
I saw this a few months back and wet my pants, especially the fold out bit at the end!
This parody brilliantly sums up an aspect of the difference between Mac and PC mentality.
I think I'll extract the soundtrack and use it as the pump track on my iPod!
I don't know how the topic came up (yes I do, I called their supervisor a PC... um what was it again, moron I think) but Carol gave us her Mac/PC story. I only wish I'd had my voice recorder handy. (Brackets are my embellishments)
A couple of years back, we had the big Mac/PC argument at home. Mum and dad (Carol still lives at home) wanted to get a computer with email and a webcam to keep in touch with nieces and nephews in England.
Greg, my brother and a total overbearing PC geek had all the (so-called) facts and figures at his fingertips, all I could say was "Macs would be better for us at home" but Greg pulled the wool over mum and dad's eyes and we got an ugly beige tower thing that always sounded like the space shuttle taking off.
Mum and dad accepted it, they knew no better but all the computers I've ever used either at school (university) or my freelance work have always been Macs and they never sounded like that.
Anyway, mum and dad rarely use it these days, mum was always crying because whenever we got a virus (at that was regularly) Greg would track it to one of mum's online sessions, how he did that I don't know but mum stopped using it unless Greg was with her and he's never home.
Dad was writing a book using Word but lost everything (months of work) at least twice as a result of Greg's many "rebuilds" which he said were par for the course when it comes to computers and it was dad's fault because he didn't have a backup.
Dad stopped using it too which is sad because we have a hard copy of a couple of chapters, his life story actually and it is great, shame he's lost interest.
Now that I'm working a full-time job, I'm going to buy us a Mac for Christmas and throw out the (miserable ugly excuse for a) PC.
It will be hard getting mum back online but wait 'till see sees iChat and that beautiful big screen.
(I threw in: tell her there are NO viruses to worry about)
People, this is what the rest of the world out there experiences using PCs.
I hope Carol does not have to battle Greg again, but something tells me this time she's going to put up a better fight, I have some ammunition to help her out, might even be able to lay my hands on a superceded G5 she could use for a month or so!
You be as flippant as you like junkie boy, these are real people learning the hard way.
Another one for you, my wife caught a virus on her work laptop last week, it took IT 4 days to "fix it" and when she got it back they hadn't installed the application she uses to get pics off her digital camera so she sent the laptop back with a copy of the CD.
I don't believe this either but they installed an older version QuickTime and a whole bunch of other stuff off the CD, everything BUT the application she needed. Typical PC wizard-like drones with no initiative.
Of course, in case you didn't know, OS X doesn't even need a special app or driver to access digital cameras, simply plug it in and watch it (depending on your wishes) either mount on the desktop like any other device or fire up a simple "Download / Delete" interface with thumbnails of the pics! Sheer understated elegance and functional simplicity. (And before anyone tells me Windows does this too, maybe, but not by default, not built-in to the system, not as standard expected behaviour.)
Yes there is a war out there, always has been, always will be, it's the fight against ignorance and big business (and the pig-headed lemmings who follow them) who use their market share to keep the masses uninformed and penned up like sheep and cattle ready for the slaughter.
Reminder: This thread, sorry discussion, is not about PC hardware or Windows software per se, it's about the mentality and approach to the functionality and experience for the person-in-the-street wanting to use the tool, not so much the hard-core geek who relishes the challenge of learning how to do a triple-backwards somersault with a half-twist just to print a happy snap!
Printing, did someone say printing? Sheesh don't get me started on that topic.
*flippant: frivolous, facetious, disrespectful, irreverent, impudent, impertinent, waggish
*According to OS X built-in dictionary/thesaurus
Uh yeah. Windows XP Professional SP2, no modifications made, plug in my camera and it asks me what I want to do. Or, I can browse the camera, view thumbnails and pull off pics.
fire up Applications/Image Capture
Use Image Capture menu -> Preferences
Tell it to open no application.
Three cheers for Microsoft.
Service Packs, now there's another thing PC lemmings accept as par for the course. Buy a second rate OS then spend your life playing Service Pack-Russian Roulette. WIll it fix my problems? Will it make them worse? Will it introduce new problems? Who cares, we'll just wait for the next one and play the game all over again.
I was at a client's site a while back, he said his email was not available because he installed Service Pack xx and now it tells him he needs something else which he can't use because Service Pack xxx has made it redundant.
That's the best thing about Microsoft error messages, they are pretty good, then again they get lots of practice.
My personal favourite Windows error message: "No keyboard found, press F1 to continue."