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Vanillazilla: Tracking Vanilla's growth (Now open!)



  • That seems reasonable, Pol. Like a link beside each listing that says report error(s), or something.
  • Is there anywhere to find people to talk to that run a large forum based on Vanilla? Obviously this 'service' would be a good place to start, but since that doesn't exist yet, I figured I might ask here.
  • How large?
  • Lol, how large do we get? I'm thinking about porting a million post forum over to Vanilla -- I want to know if anyone else has experience with 100-300 simultaneous users and how the platform stands up to a beating. (I feel like this is getting to far off topic though...)
  • Fair enough. There are other topics on the subject. Mark has done some work with people in the past to optomise the software as much as possible - if you have any other suggestions i'm sure he'd be interested to hear them. Take note that vanilla is soon to be used on the mozilla forums which i suspect are fairly busy.. :)
  • I am thinking that this would be a great idea. i like the idea of graphs, and for the number of users make a graph to show users, lets say added this week and total number of users. do you get what i am saying?
  • Back to Stash's comment about anonymity, if the reporting board wished it, they might check an option to report the url and title in an MD5 sum so that you can use the data, but not expose the source to the world. Also, you may want to base the boards 'id' attribute on something other than forum name / url as those things (certainly the forum title) are finicky. Perhaps an account type system? EG: when registering at the central server, the central gives you a unique reporting code that you enter into your forum options. This way you can change url, title, shoot even the server, and not lose your tracking account.
  • @chuyskywalker: Exactly :)

    Regarding the extension count stat... how about just reporting which extensions and their versions you are running? From that you can count many geeky stats :)
  • Ha i just thought of...You should have this, not an extension but a core(maybe not) and it will make a hugely complete database and then Mark can see which extensions are very popular and take that into consideration when adding new things to core.
  • That's a good point y2kbg. I'm sure all the extension authors would also find this informative.
  • yea i didnt even think of that, they cold all see how well each of their extensions are doing, and even compare that to the number of downloads so they can see that the people who thought they would like it actually still use it. It shouldn't crowd the core or slow it down should it?
  • If you got it to send an update only when an extension was turned on and off, that would provide even more detailed info (how long an extension's been running etc). This way, day to day it would have ZERO effect on the speed of Vanilla as it would be doing nothing.
  • I wonder is pol is still considering this, maybe even just the extension part, for now now number of users and such.
  • Today I returned to setting up the Vanillazilla site. It's already working to some degree; I'll post the extension and the site URL when it's all ready.
  • Looking forward to it. If this all works as planned it could be *very* interesting after a couple of months :)

    P.S. Is it going to track extensions? Pretty please? :)
  • Sorry... tracking extensions would make the whole thing quite a bit more complicated, and is outside the scope of what I had in mind anyway.
  • Bugger.
  • sites that track statistics can be very complicated and annoying to stop spam and guys who dont play correctly. The best way that this would work is if the site that tracks everything would do the reverse and look at the sites and how they're shown to the public.

    Many people dont have much experience in this reverse technique and many who do cant make it efficient enough. If anyone wants something like this to be done i can put my hand up to organize it because i've had a bit of experience in this sort of work.

    It's just a thought but it's much better (though slower) than users submitting their own results because this way is more secure and integral.
  • In preparation for launching the site, I've released the Vanillazilla Extension. This provides statistics about the board in a machine-readable format. If you install it right away, and post your forum's URL here, that'll help me test my site out before I open it up; I'd appreciate that.
  • It's great to see you're still working on this project :) I've just installed your extension, feel free to bug me if you need informations or something, I'd be glad to help.
This discussion has been closed.