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Vanillazilla: Tracking Vanilla's growth (Now open!)



  • Thanks for the bug report -- I fixed it, and your forum is now added and has jumped straight to the top of the list. :)
  • Added a pie chart of forum languages.

  • edited January 2007
    I added my forum, but for whatever reason the link from the statistics page points to: rather than:
  • How did you get Youtube on your discussion pages?! :-)
  • Ok people, I uploaded version 1.0.1 of the extension. First of all, this should fix the problem mis-one was having. (mis-one, if it doesn't, check your "Web-Path to Vanilla" field in "Application Settings" -- it needs to be an absolute URL.) Second, it adds a statistic for Active Users. This is the number of users who have been active in the past week. Someone suggested that; it's a good idea, so now it's added, and I'll be working it into the site once some people upgrade.
  • try clicking on the ... of Jamendo forums , I get an internal sever error.
  • I know, I'm working on that. It's because, for some reason, they're not reporting their creation dates.
  • Is it fine to list Jamendo, knowing they removed the Lussumo links?
  • Hi!

    Have updated to 1.0.1! :-) Thank you for your great work!

  • jamendo? well known as fakeuser factory :)

    but not only, they are many johndoes in many other forums as well.
  • I can't believe my forum (ChiefCodeMonkey). We has so few users (44 and about half of those don't go on) and we have the 2nd highest post count. I run it, but I think I'll tell the people there that they need to get a life.
  • Nice Pol... very nice... How about a plugin that tracks all versions of the plugins I have installed (a vanillazilla with personal login to see stats/installed stuff)
  • I've been asking for that Tom... ;)
  • What has my site (ChiefCodeMonkey), not been updated (stats or the graph) since the 25th Jan, when every other site has? Can I check if there is a problem with my feed?
  • Ah, thanks. That was a bug that was affecting a few other sites too. Fixed.
  • Thank you. Now... to wait for tomorrow until the new graphs are generated.
  • I tried to add my two Vanilla forums: • and; • And I get: "A network error occurred while fetching the URL" The extension is active! The problem is vanillazilla is attempting to access /extension/?PostBackAction=Vanillazilla when it should actually be checking /extension.php?PostBackAction=Vanillazilla Please fix this rapidly.
  • Are you perhaps using the .htaccess file from the Friendly URLs add-on, rather than the .htaccess file included in the Vanilla install? If you are, you should switch and things should be working. I had the same problem, and using the default .htaccess file, which also makes pretty URLs, solved the problem for me.
  • Yeah, looks like the same problem. The Friendly URLs add-on is outdated; it gives you an incomplete .htaccess, while the latest Vanilla releases have the correct .htaccess out-of-the-box. Here's a copy of the current .htaccess if you overwrote it with the old one.
  • PolPol
    edited February 2007
    Nice... the statistics are getting more interesting now.
    I like the Active Users graph for San Francisco Fixed Gear.

    Has Mark seen the site yet? I hope it confirms his initial impression that it would be "neato" :)
This discussion has been closed.