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Vanillazilla: Tracking Vanilla's growth (Now open!)



  • It's more interesting (to me) that although the active users graph looks like it does, the discussions and comments graphs are pretty much linear...
  • Just a quick thought: it would be nice to have a button to order forums by language. A simple click on the "language" text would be great.
  • Well, the users/discussions/comments graphs are all totals. I guess the equivalent to active users would be just charting the number of discussions made per day and same with comments. Then you'd get something going up and down.
  • Yeah but if the graph remains linear and doesnt tail off it suggests that the same number of comments are being added each day...
  • I'm probably misunderstanding things here, but if you have the same number of comments made day after day, then yeah...? What I meant is that you measure once a day, and check how many new disussions have been started, then you plot that (number, day), and do that day after day, and if you have some variance in how many discussions are started each day you'll get a graph similar to the active members one.

    I'd expect the active members graph to get smoother over time since more and more plot points get added.
  • All the graphs will get smoother because they will become less defined. That's something which needs to be taken into consideration when retrieving the range of data used to plot the graphs. I'd suggest a month maximum (at a guess) but I'd have to see a graph with 6 months/3months/month/week on to know which was actually best given the data being plotted.

    And I think we've confused each other with the comments graph idea. You say to make a graph which you could accurately and simply compare to the active users graph, you'd need to take the number of comments made each day and plot it (actually you'd need to take the number of comments made in the same timeframe as the active users value is calculated, but let's assume that's a day) - and in saying that, you're correct. All I was pointing out was that, to me, the comment total graph looks fairly linear - which demonstrates that day on day the total number of comments increases by a similar amount, agreed? And if such a thing is true, then a graph showing the total number of comments plotted per day would record a straight horizontal line, agreed? That, in turn, would then not match with the 'active users' graph, which is a jagged horizontal (roughly) line. Ofcourse for my point to be valid i'd really need to see a larger and better defined graph for total comments, but at a glance it looks pretty consistent to me.
    We on the same line here? (pun very much intended :D)
  • Yeah, I think we're on the same line now ;)

    It would be nice to see active users vs. added comments with data collected for both things at the same times, and then plotted on the same graph. It wouldn't surprise me if you got a more jaggly users graph when compared to comments. It seems fairly common that there's a very small group is very active and contributing, while the overwhelming majority just consumes.
  • Getting personal here i see.... :D
  • Hehe. Woops! No, nothing personal, just observing what seems to be the case in most places. ;)
  • Yeah true enough. Get going with these stats Pol!!
  • lol
  • Think the homepage is down btw! :(
  • I just get this ( internal server error) when trying to add my forum...
  • yep, the page appears to be down still.
  • actually... enabling vanillazilla causes my entire forum to go blank - just a white page.
  • PolPol
    edited April 2007
    Just dropping in to say that the site should be more stable now, and much faster. (Programming error on my part, sorry! I had some bad database queries that were slowing everything down.) I've been really busy lately, but I do plan to update this and my other extensions when I get a chance. Not abandoning any of them.

    (edit: yay, hyakugojyuuichi'th comment!)
  • im still #1! woohoo!
  • why dont the lussumo graphs work?
  • edited April 2007
    i forgot that i had this installed and checked the site, pleasantly surprised to see myself at #7. not bad. keep up the good work.

    also, maybe an option for admins to enter a brief 'about' section to each site would be useful as well, as well as perhaps an option to contact the admin - provided they give an e-mail address. not sure how hard it would be to mask this address so that only a generic "email admin" link was shown rather than an actual e-mail address, but it might be a nice touch.

    beyond the contact stuff though i think a brief 'about' section would be very useful.
  • @y2kbg -- looks like this forum only had the extension for a day or so. Not sure why it was disabled after that. Ask Mark?

    @Gauzy -- I like those ideas... I'll think about the best way to implement them.
This discussion has been closed.