Dojo Files



  • its all better now yea. it was some old code that I should have removed from when I used the CustomPage class thing from PM that should have gone away when I converted to use extension.php
  • so now u won't kill me for telling u to move to extensions.php
  • i already did several versions ago :)
  • Hi!

    I'm back from my holidays, ready to comment again! Was great at nothern sea, eating fish, fly my kites, visit legoland... :-)
    I do not see why you cant use my current version for your not webaccessible storage. Isnt the point that you hide the colums with direct link and hotlink urls?
    I'm using it allready! ;-) But with your version, I can't download the attachment at all from the files page, and the viewing of images, videos, ect doesn't work. That's why I have to do the changes I mentioned before. No big think at all! If I'm the only one needing it, then forget about it!
    Your second point I also dont get. What do you mean? LUM_Attachment is the table names created by the attachment add on, and LUM_User is created by vanilla. these should work out of the box..
    Wasn't there a point at install of vanilla, where you could change this "LUM_"-thing? I'll have a look at my test-system tomorow!

    Never the less, in appg/settings.php is a line:
    $Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX'] = 'LUM_';
    So it should be possible to have different vanilla installations in one db!
  • your first point i am still not sure about, but if, as you say, you are the only one in need, I think we will skip it for now. On your second point, yes you are correct. will take it into next update. It has stayed that way because I was planning on finding a better way to do it than hard coding a php array.
  • my error is now fixed, however i have no Files tab (not sure if i'm supposed to have one? i know it's got a category but do i have to add a special extension to create it as a tab, as you used in the wiki example?) seems to be working seamlessly otherwise, thank you for a great addition <3
  • you should. If your running Page manager, you probably have to resync. If ur not, its proably because you need to give yourself role permission : ) thanks a bunch for telling me your appreciation :)
  • however i have no Files tab (not sure if i'm supposed to have one?
    Me teo! Even after doing a resync in page manager! :(
  • Uploaded version 0.935 of Dojo Files.
  • if this last pudate dont help you. try to disable your extensions. enabling them with page manager last. resync tabs if necessary. and remember, The tab only appears if you have Dojo Files View permission.
  • Hi, I get this error when I click on "Files" tab. SELECT AttachmentID,Title,Path,LUM_Attachment.Name filename,LUM_Attachment.DiscussionID,LUM_Attachment.Size,LUM_Discussion.Name disc_name,LUM_Attachment.CommentID,LUM_User.Name name,DATE_FORMAT(DateModified, '%D %b ') datoen FROM `LUM_User` LEFT JOIN `LUM_Attachment` USING (`UserID`) LEFT JOIN `LUM_Discussion` USING (`DiscussionID`) WHERE vis = '1' ORDER BY LUM_Attachment.Title ; Unknown column 'vis' in 'where clause' What is this field 'vis' ? Can I change this WHERE clause? Thx!
  • read the readme.txt. this is someone one should always do. or the install text on the add on page. you must add this column to your database in order for this extension to work.
  • why can't the extension add that column by itself?
  • sure it can, when I have the time to figure out how. you can be a bit crude some times Schizo :/
  • I thought there was a problem doing it via extension thats why it had to be done separately. My bad. I'm learning just like you
  • Uploaded version 0.94 of Dojo Files.
  • There was. How to check if it was created allready and making sure I didnt needlessly do this check every page refresh. Its all fixed now. I am every eager to learn and please.
  • Umpf, permissions! *bang head against wall*

    Now it works like a charme! Thank you very much!
  • glad to hear it :)
  • Uploaded version 0.941 of Dojo Files.
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