Vanilla 0.9.3 Beta Released (2005-12-01)



  • Interesting. I just tried creating a fresh database using vanilla.sql to see if that would make the Account panel errors go away. No dice. Same issues, so it's not a database problem I guess?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I repeat:

    Please keep all bug reports on this forum in the "Vanilla 0.9.3 Bugs" category.
  • sees now we could do with that 'move posts to new discussion' thingymajig. *dibs hat in apology.
  • edited December 2005
    Huh. I saw lots of people talking about installation, so I was talking about installation. Just assumed I was doing something wrong. If it helps any, as of 86 my Accounts tab works.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It's just very hard for me to keep track of bugs if people post multiple bugs in a single thread. I should probably just close this discussion.
  • edited December 2005
    In it's place, can we have a category for questions about 0.9.3 that are not bugs?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just use the vanilla category for general vanilla discussions. But I would definitely classify install problems as bugs.
  • Should I start a new discussion for each problem I encounter?
  • assuming theyre seperate problems, yeah.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Sorry. It's the best I can do until I write a bug-tracker.
  • Why not use trac? in action:
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I don't like it.
  • I don't like it.

    May I ask what about it mark?

    I find it very helpful -- integrates very nicely with svn.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Wow. I forgot I wrote that. The truth is that I was extremely drunk when I did. My apologies if I insulted anyone.
  • hahaha. excellent.
  • rofl, hope you haven't been coding then
  • edited December 2005
    why else do you think he mucks up so much and has to redo things? :P I must say it's an excellent advert to have the sole maker of vanilla quoting himself on being drunk in the first (possibly most important) thread on the board.
  • hahaha -- nice. Trac is pretty nice -- I use it at -- upandcoming osticket extension.
  • Mmm... can't seem to download Vanilla... did you password protect the svn files Mark?
  • just worked fine for me?
This discussion has been closed.