Vanilla Community NEW STYLES CONTEST! (cash prize!) Ends October 1st



  • haha, nice redux, a theme will take you a bit more to make than a simple style ;)

    although, really good themes like SoulScape can be made :)
  • If someone could make a style with these colors it will a great one #8E83BF #C8A2C8
  • edited September 2006
    Woohoo! Can't wait to see the styles! Great idea EDIT: Andy! If all goes well this should up your traffic quite a bit! The styles section has been a bit empty :(
  • It was Andy K's idea, not Mark's! ;)
  • edited September 2006
    Here is a teaser:

    • 96 pixel-wide icons (easy to make taller)
    • more traditional gridded discussion list appearance
    • more traditional coment appearance
    • fixed width
    • nifty Fitt's Law CSS rollover effects for tabs and pagination
    • Works with Vanilla's default theme.
    • tested in IE6, IE7, FF
  • edited September 2006
    I like what you've done with the Sticky/Closes tags Wall :)

    Here's my teaser:

    - Uses a new theme called "tabled"
    - 64x64 icons
    - Grid roll-over effects

    Also, it will be released with a new extension called "Discussion Overview"
  • Well...image
  • Wow. Jazzman. That makes me want to set fire to the style im working on :)
  • OMG Wallphone... I like your style already ... it is great ....I think I will try to use the colors I mentioned on it without much tweaking ... thanks in advance ... Also we are going to enjoy the contrast Jazzman created ... normally I don't like this degree of green but your mixing is amazing ... Great work guys ... and yes .. thanks for Andy for jumpstarting the style making movement(???) ...
  • Rock. On.

    Keep 'em coming! If more folks want to get involved, feel free to take what's already in the Styles area and change the colors, make a few adaptations, see what happens. I'd love to see a "Clockwork" like series (from 0.9.x): "The same basic style, in 5-6 different colors", etc.

  • hmmm... pity i might not be able to get my theme ready b4 the first, it seems like competition is huge!
  • That looks lovely Jazzman, good work! Just a shame it's a theme and not a style though, it looks like it has a similar layout to the Vanilla theme too :(
  • ok, i'm not going to get my new theme up and going without help because of me running out of time and going away, so i've just uploaded my original style that i was going to put in for the contest anyway.

    i will finish the theme once i get to it but since i'm not proficient at css yet, i've been using html and that's been slowing me down. at the moment it's about three quarters done.
  • Methinks Jazzman's going to win :D

    I'm having a frustrating time with my style, the default theme doesn't have enough tags for me to hang my rounded corners off, and I really don't want to have to create a new theme.
  • Some closet user thats only posted like 2x is gonna win.
  • PING! Just one week (7 days) left.

  • Well, Im a bit late, but Im gonna start one now!
  • I'm contemplating the possibility of doing one....
  • Yay! Go on, optikinescant! More styles = good for everyone! I wish I hadn't slacked off on some other things, making me terribly busy, but I'll get at least one style in before that deadline.
  • PING! Just three (well, four, counting today) days left on this contest. I'm seeing lots of styles starting to appear in the Add-Ons section, rock on!

    The last ping will happen approx 24 hours from the finish line.
This discussion has been closed.