The official I hate PCs discussion



  • Surely if a mac now runs all pc apps it can also run pc viruses?
    Just out of interest, do you *seriously* believe that if the majority switched to macs then virus makers wouldnt make viruses to target macs?

    No idea what the cement joke is...though since CE isnt even a desktop OS and Xp now is, i guess the joke is soon to become...mentxp...hahahahahahaha! oh wait, still dont get it.
  • NickENickE New
    edited November 2006
    I've been doing the Mac evangelist thing
    That's what's so annoying, when mac users have to go on some crusade determined that their choice is best for everyone, when, you guessed it, it's clearly not. And what is with you and labelling PC users as blind zombies? So people always use Windows just because 'everyone else does'? Just because they're too ignorant and stupid to run anything else?

    What what do you mean 'it's won'? FYI, it wasn't a battle to begin with, people are free to choose what they want. And even it is was a battle, a battle isn't won when you feel so smug about your mac that you think it's the best thing in the world. And 'cheaper'? Just get a decent PC for a quarter of the cost, use freeware instead of paying for every application, and voila, you've paid a fraction of the cost. Elegant? That's pure opinion. Faster? You got proof? Better? What's 'better'? 'better' in what way? Just saying something as ambiguous as that won't get you anywhere. Ever read freakonomics? Remember the part that talked about how, statistically, houses with more specific descriptions (eg. granite counters) sold faster and at higher prices than those with ambiguous, general words (like spectacular, wonderful, etc..)?

    All this just makes you sound more ignorant, with your poorly-disguised 'arguments' which are no more than heavily-biased opinions. You really do come off as some sort of sleazy used car saleman.
  •  Quote: SirNot  So people always use Windows just because 'everyone else does'? Just because they're too ignorant and stupid to run anything else?

    Couldn't say it any better myself, but I am not talking about the informed people on this forum, you guys are simply set in your ways and can't or won't make the effort. I'm talking about the everyday user who goes into a shop to buy a computer. They only know what their neighbours use, or what they use at work and what the drone salesperson tells them.

    I have seen many hundreds of examples of people wanting to change to Mac over the years but too scared to pull away from the crowd. Many small businesses afraid to make the move. Now with the Intel Macs, they can test the waters without letting go of the safety bar. I know of two families personally where the lady of the house has finally had her way, they got new iMacs for early Christmas presents with a view to have dad and the kids use their Windows and when they are at work/school mum can enjoy Mac OS X and pursue her interests in desktop publishing. Guess what, dad and the kids in both families are almost convinced, there's even talk of a MacBook or two! Once people get over the drivel spouted by drone types (intentionally or ignorantly) the platform sells itself.

    It's sad you see my point of view as sleazy, I'm not making money from this, in fact as Minisweeper says, if you all came over from the dark side, virus vandals would probably make the move too.

    OK, you've won I'll shut up, stay where you are, however I won't apologize for offending anyone because no offense was intended, I thought you were all grown people not needing kid gloves. I thought this discussion was an exchange of information and maybe a little witty friendly banter. Obviously I hit a few raw nerves though!

    As for the CEMENT joke, it was "a joke" and according to my Dictionary (Mac OS X built-in) a joke is: a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter

    Funny it hit such a nerve that you thought it worth your time and effort to rip it to pieces.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited November 2006
    Hahaha, you know what speaks volumes to me?

    You're going to love this.

    Apple themselves have designed a program that allows you to boot XP on your Mac. They even changed processors to allow this. Now, for a PC to run OSX it's an open source group doing it. Hmm, why oh why would Apple be willing to let people run XP on a Mac?

    The main reason I use windows is this:

    I find it easier. I had to use a Mac at work and it was couter intuitive. Probably because I'd been using a PC for years. I grew to despise that bomb symbol. I couldn't understand why people were crowing about Macs being the best thing ever. Whenever someone mentions that Macs never crash I laugh bitterly. I had more trouble with that damn Mac than I've had with any PC. Logic Board going down, OS corruption, overheating!

    My PC however. I built it myself. It cost me quite a lot less than a Mac and I've had no problems with the machine. The only problems I've had have been user created. I've fucked with something and it hasn't liked it.

    I too do not know the cement joke.

    Gigingers point seems to be that mac users want/suggest everyone buys a mac...
    Pretty much it. Although it'd be unfair to say that all Mac users were like that. Very unfair. It's just that the most vocal ones are the evangelists.
  • NickENickE New
    edited November 2006
    >but I am not talking about the informed people on this forum, you guys are simply set in your ways and can't or won't make the effort
    But you kept implying otherwise, which was partly why I kept getting ticked off (eg. YOU don't use a mac, so that means YOU'RE a drone who has NO originality and is a complete mindless zombie). I understand some people just don't know otherwise, but some actually do, and it'd be nice if you'd respect that decision instead of snubbing your nose at it (ie. it's not a matter of can't or won't, it's a matter of preference. I have used a mac, and I've liked a mac, but I like using Windows systems more than macs).

    But yeah, I get annoyed easily and have a lot of pet peeves, so that probably also has something to do with it...

    (and just for the record, I wasn't annoyed at your joke, I was annoyed at your mac propoganda)
  • I think we need to make a distinction between windows, linux and pc's
  • "Although it'd be unfair to say that all Mac users were like that" - about as unfair as saying all windows users are pc drones then, mmm? :D

    Your joke didnt hit a nerve at all. Something that would hit a nerve would be, say, Minisweeper is a shit driver (I'm very passionate about driving) (then again since noone here has ever been in a car with me i guess i'd get over it pretty quickly - if a friend says it it actually hurts me though). Something that is a joke would be, say, "Man walks into a was a metal bar" (intentionally bad example).

    I see the new core 2 duo macbooks are being released soon. I could be tempted...
  •  Quote: giginger  Apple themselves have designed a program that allows you to boot XP on your Mac. They even changed processors to allow this. Now, for a PC to run OSX it's an open source group doing it. Hmm, why oh why would Apple be willing to let people run XP on a Mac?
    Because my friend, they will! It takes away the most powerful point of resistance. It's a brilliant strategy, one that not even the experts saw coming.

    As in my examples, many people have been buying PCs for home (and work), not because they are better or they want to but the sheer size of the platform forces them to use Windows for whatever reason.

    It takes real guts to stick with a platform that's in the minority, now you can buy a Mac and still run Windows if you want. Apple are banking on the probability that as newcomers (he says resisting the urge to say "drones") experience the elegance and understated power and simplicity of the Mac OS, they will be convinced and leave WIndows behind them. And I'll go on record right here and now that Apple's market share will sky-rocket as a result, in fact it's already happening, their projected figures are all way under.

    Just wait until Leopard hits the streets, I hope VESPA comes out first though as an anti-climax (no that wasn't meant to be a joke but I just wet myself).
  • edited November 2006
    <em>@c-unit: windows already has aa for fonts, and if it's still not enough for you, you can enable clear type</em> Yeah it does, but it's not as nice as Mac's. I have almost zero Windows experience, so I'm not going to make an ass out of myself, but from what I've used I do think Mac's do have a more polished interface than Windows.
  •  Quote: Adrian.  I think we need to make a distinction between windows, linux and pc's
    I think you are right mate.

    My gripe is about Windows, "PCs" used to be a generic term that encompassed Windows, that's changed these days I think.

    So from now on, it's "The Windows Drones" and "The Windows Mentality" I have a problem with! pic

    Hey Adrian, is that a MacBook on your desk?
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited November 2006
    It's amazing you call us Windows drones when you're the one droning on about Mac. That's what pisses people off. I couldn't give a flying crap what anyone uses for an OS. I just take exception to being referred to as a Zombie because of my choice of OS.
  • edited November 2006
    If you made an informed choice then you are not a drone.

    If you made the choice because all of your mates use Windows then you are a drone.

    drone: a pilotless vehicle or machine that performs mindless or repetitive tasks
    zombie: a person who appears lifeless, apathetic or unresponsive to their surroundings

    Later: In the light of these definitions, maybe I'm being too harsh pic
  • "It's a brilliant strategy, one that not even the experts saw coming." seriously didnt see it coming the minute they switched to intel processors? You must have been being too creative at the time or's one of the first things my windows mentality thought of.
  • when will this stop its getting ridicoulous now
  • Probably when mark closes it. It's not harming anyone though. Atleast it stops it happening in every other discussion (to an extent)
  • Closing a discussion when someone decides "it's getting ridiculous"?

    Sounds like something Microsoft would do.

  • -- Closing a discussion when someone decides "it's getting ridiculous"? Sounds like something Microsoft would do. -- Now, I can't see the image, so I don't know if you are joking or what, but for fucks sake, give it a rest. You can't judge creativity and otehr personal traights on the OS that you use. Considering creativity: there are numerous types of creativity, so if you are pushing the visual/graphical aspect of OSX, then you must also consider the other types, such as writing, programming, etc. These are OS independent. As are the others. I'm going to back out of this thread now though. I have watched it pan out for the last little while and kept my mouth shut, but that last comment was the breaking straw.
  • Chill Nathan,
    I don't see why you (and others) are getting so upset over some friendly banter, or do I cut too close to the truth for you?

    And why would you come to the rescue of Microsoft?

    And why can't you see the image?
  • I can see the picture/image now. I am a Mac man myself, but I think this has all been taken a little far. There are insults flying left right and center based simply on the basis that some Operating Systems are "presumed" to be better that others. I love my Mac, and I will recommend people use them until the cows come home (is that only an Aussie phrase or what?), but I really feel quite strongly about forcing your opinion on others and deciding what is better for them. It is a matter of preference and individual taste, not what you think is better.
  • My comments were not insults mate (at least not intended to be), they were observations, I didn't make them up.

    There is no "presumption" as to which OS is better for the majority of users, it's clear cut if you give it a good open-minded look and/or listen to un-biased experts.

    I'm passionate about quality and doing things right, I hate, compromise and closed-mindedness and the close-enough-is-good-enough mentality.

    I hate seeing the person in the street having the wool pulled over their eyes, I hate the fact that a company like Microsoft has made billions off sh*tty software and trapping people into an inferior platform.

    I hate the fact that I can't get Mac support for my GPS.

    I hate the fact that my niece bought Scrapbooking software that requires Windows XP.

    I love the fact that the light is finally shining through, it won't be long now. I think the cows are definitely coming home.

    Finally, if Mark thinks this discussion is out of line he may close it without giving any thought to me or my feelings, no skin off my nose.
This discussion has been closed.