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[v0.2] phpBB Migrator



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    Haha. Yeah - we were gonna do the generating random ones thing. But thats sorted. And it does really work, it just doesnt really work and look nice at the same time.
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    I don't mind ugly. If it works then it's perfect. If you don't mind emailing it to me: jerrrm [at] gmail [dot] com Thanks a bunch. I'll let you know how it goes! :) JErm -
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    Here's my rudimentary use-at-your-own-risks converter! convert.php: It only converts discussions, not categories or users. Notice there's 2 little arrays at the beginning that map the phpbb users to lum users. Lame, bad programming practice, whatever. Only 8 users and 4 categories means it wasn't bad for me lol. fix_discussions.php: I wrote as an afterthought cuz I noticed the FirstCommentID in the discussions wasn't being set properly so atom feeds and a bunch of other things didn't work right. Make a backup of your databases before using, just in case! ;) Patrix.
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    Anyone give Patrix converter a try, yet?
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    I dunno, i emailed jerm mine cause he needed the whole lot migrating, but he hasnt said anything since...
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    Anything more come of this, officially?

    Tried using yours mini, few problems. Brings an error when trying to import users.

    Imported discussions and categories, but not comments. Not sure if that's broke because users haven't been imported...
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    yeh thats a likely cause - jerm said the same about users, i'll have a fix up by monday
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    Me and Chris seem to have ironed out the problems he had and i've picked up a bit of stuff that needs sorting in the code. If anyone else [jerm] is using it in the meantime just give me a shout and i'll tell you what needs doing.
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    minisweeper: Where can I pick up a copy of your migration code? I have a good sized phpBB site that needs to be vanilla'd. I'd be happy to run it and give you some feedback.
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    um. thats an interesting question actually, my servers down for the moment while we get it production ready. You could ask Chris or Jerm to mail you it if they can do that before i get home on monday and can mail you a copy myself. If chris sends you his version it should work fine, jerms might need a bit of fixing - it ran fine on my copy of the database but it appears that user_total_logon isnt a default install column of the user table and therefore it was causing errors. If your install doesnt have this you'll probably need to remove all references to it in the script and then it should work fine. In any case, try running the copy one of these guys has if you can get it before monday; otherwise i'll mail you an updated copy myself.
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    edited August 2005
    Grab the copy here =)
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    zing! thanks chris. If you need any help mail me on dman.
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    Anyone has a readme file for I'm having problems migrating my phpbb forum to vanilla.
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    There isnt a readme at the moment because its extremely beta untill mark can be bothered fixing it... If you're having problems just post them here (whisper them to me if you like) and i'm happy to talk you through it. Basically it goes like this: Put the right details in the mysqldetails.php file so it can connect to your database Upload all php files to a directory on your server and browse to that over http. index.php should be the page you see - click each of the links in turn (Users, Categories, Discussions, Comments) Stuff should now be transferred. As i say if somethings going wrong just post it up here and i'll help you out.
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    Or contact me too =)
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    yeah chris probably has a better idea than me since he'll have the code with him. In any case if he posts here the chances are someone will help him.
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    Sorry for not reporting back for a long time, I've been swamped. I couldn't get the users to convert then I came here a few days ago and grabbed the updated and it worked!! I converted offline and everything converted except these few problems: 1. I had 7 forums (categories) and one of them didn't convert, instead it was replaced by "General" which came with Vanilla installation. 2. Discussions were all converted except for the tags within the discussions, so although you get every single text some of them may look jumbled. Everything else seems fine (I don't care about converting PMs and such) but for those two issues up there I decided to wait a little before converting my bb for online production. Thanks minisweeper! :)
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    Ahh, i wondered where you'd got to! 1, interesting, did the contents of the category migrate and its name just got replaced? I dont see any reason as such why it should do this, i'd expect it just to make 8 categories with the last 7 being yours. Did you have any similar problems Chris? 2, Yeah, any formatting within the discussions would be ignored because there's nothing in the script to work out what format they are and treat them properly; this is something that needs thinking about. [3,] I would like to be able to convert pm's -> whispers at some point. Perhaps i'll look into it a little more when i get round to writing another converter.
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    [1] I don't actually know :). I chose to only import the posts and not the categories (as I was putting all discussions under an archive category), so I'm not sure whether it works correctly or not. But I don't see any reason for it to not work as all other categories were imported for you.

    [2] This is a problem I've faced too, and haven't done anything about. There's a lot of jumbled up crap if your post contains BBCodes, something for now, you'll have to live with.
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    Out of interest, has anyone used the bbcode converter? In which case does it store the comments in the database in bbcode or html or what? If it stores them in bbcode and interprets them on the output (which i highly doubt) just installing that should fix it. Otherwise i'll probably have to build the bbcode thing into the migrator. Hum.
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